
Panattoni übergibt Erweiterungsbau in Grünheide an GLX Global Logistics

Panattoni, der führende Projektentwickler für Industrie- und Logistikimmobilien in Europa, hat am 18.08.2021 den fertiggestellten Build-to-Suit-Erweiterungsbau an die GLX Global Logistics Services GmbH in Grünheide, Brandenburg, übergeben. Die Erweiterung der Bestands-Anlagen von 17.000 qm umfasst eine Nutzfläche von rund 4.300 qm, davon sind 4.188 qm Hallen- und 104 qm Büro- und Sozialfläche. Auf den Außenflächen kamen 30 Stellplätze hinzu. Die Immobilie mit direkter Anbindung an die Bundesautobahn A 10 entstand nach der DGNB-Gold-Zertifizierung.


The strategically located industrial park in Košice is growing. Panattoni started construction of a second building.

V blízkosti druhého najväčšieho slovenského mesta rastie v Panattoni Parku Košice Airport druhá budova triedy A s rozlohou takmer 20 000 m2. Nové špičkové priemyselné priestory s vynikajúcim dopravným spojením splnia nielen všetky štandardy modernej a udržateľnej výstavby s ašpiráciou na hodnotenie udržateľnosti BREEAM na úrovni "Excellent", ale súčasne pomôže ďalšiemu ekonomickému rozvoju slovenského regiónu. Časť haly si už teraz prenajal distribútor športovej výživy.


Construction work starts on Panattoni Park Rzeszów Airport II. Almost 11,300 sqm of the centre will be BTS space for US firm BorgWarner

European industrial real estate market leader Panattoni has started the development of Panattoni Park Rzeszów Airport II. Today, the groundbreaking ceremony took place on the site of an 11,300 sqm BTS project, which is being constructed for US firm BorgWarner. This US-stock exchange listed company produces vehicle powertrains and exhaust system subassemblies. The tenant is to start setting up its assembly lines before the end of the year, with the entire building to be handed over in February 2022.


Hornbach wird Mieter im Panattoni Park Speyer

Panattoni, der führende Projektentwickler für Industrie- und Logistikimmobilien in Europa, begrüßt die Hornbach Baumarkt AG als Mieter im Panattoni Park Speyer. Die Logistikimmobilie, in Rheinland-Pfalz gelegen, wird im November an Hornbach übergeben. Das familiengeführte Unternehmen mit Sitz in Bornheim bei Landau in der Pfalz zählt zu den größten Betreibern von Bau- und Gartenmärkten in Europa. Hornbach wird die Immobilie als Lager, Versand- und Verteilzentrum nutzen.


Sergio Araujo, Panattoni’s new Senior Finance & Accounting Manager for Spain and Portugal

Panattoni, Europe's leading logistics-industrial real estate developer, has announced the appointment of Sergio Araujo as the new Senior Finance and Accounting Manager for Spain and Portugal. Among his new responsibilities, Sergio will be in charge of leading, together with the central team, all processes, reviews and reports relevant to the company's financial statements, local taxation and all internal audit procedures.


Panattoni sees value in Bydgoszcz – The developer has delivered over 200,000 sqm to the city and is thinking of further expansion

European industrial real estate market leader Panattoni has revealed the potential of the Bydgoszcz warehouse market. Over the last five years, the developer has delivered over 200,000 sqm to the city including space in its own parks and BTS developments. These include projects for Carrefour and Kaufland, two giants of retail. Leading companies in logistics and e-commerce have backed Panattoni’s Bydgoszcz buildings. For this reason, the developer is now announcing that it is to build up its portfolio taking advantage ...


Panattoni to deliver almost 25,000 sqm in Panattoni Park Siedlce. A-class warehousing enters a new market

European industrial real estate market leader Panattoni is building a distribution centre in Siedlce and by doing so it is also opening up a new market for modern warehousing space. Panattoni Park Siedlce comprising 24,600 sqm is to be an alternative location to Warsaw and will meet the demands of thriving e-commerce, as well as of local business development. The project is being built not far from the centre of the city near the A2 motorway just over an hour ...


Erfolgreiche Übergabe am Neckar: neska bezieht Panattoni Park Mannheim Ost

Panattoni, der führende Projektentwickler für Industrie- und Logistikimmobilien in Europa, übergab fristgerecht am 30. Juli 2021 den Panattoni Park Mannheim Ost in Ladenburg, Baden-Württemberg, an die neska Schiffahrts- und Speditionskontor Gesellschaft, einem Unternehmen des Geschäftsbereichs HGK Logistics and Intermodal der HGK Gruppe übergeben.. Bei der feierlichen Übergabe waren neben Vertretern von neska und Panattoni der stellvertretende Bürgermeister der Stadt Ladenburg sowie die lokale Presse anwesend.


Frank Punte strengthens team Panattoni Netherlands as Technical Development Director

Frank Punte has joined the Panattoni Netherlands team on August 2nd as Director of Technical Development. In his new role, Punte, together with Eelco Verweij, is responsible for coordinating contacts with the public sector, contractors, architects, engineering and other technical consultancy companies.


Panattoni will build a new logistics park near Bratislava

Panattoni, market leader in industrial real estate in Europe, will build a new logistics park on the border of Bratislava. The project, called Panattoni Park Bratislava North, responds to the high demand for storage facilities which would provide an excellent transport service for Slovakia, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.
