Cycling to fight cancer. The Panattoni Three in the 900-kilometre Paris-MIPIM Vélothon.

The most important cycling event in the real estate business – covering over 900 kilometres of the French roads between Paris and MIPIM Cannes – is heading towards its 4th edition, from 5 to 10 March 2020. The magnificent initiative has been endorsed by three musketeers from Panattoni – Artur Mokrzycki, Kamil Kuleta and Marek Dobrzycki. Their goal is to inspire us to support Institut Curie, which has dedicated over 100 years of work to cancer research and treatment. Our representatives will join the 60-strong riding group of cyclists working in the real estate business to get to the industry’s most important event – MIPIM. By covering an astounding 900 kilometres in the space of 5 days, the cyclists will be supporting charitable organisations of their choice. We are keeping our fingers firmly crossed for the entire team and bestow upon them a figurative yellow jersey, because in our eyes they are all the best. We wish our heroes the best of luck. We hope they will stay strong and the weather will be on their side. We would also greatly appreciate your support and donations! For more information and current updates, go to LinkedIn.

Artur Mokrzycki – has been with Panattoni for almost 10 years. As Head of Capital Markets Europe, he is responsible for managing investor relations, notably raising and structuring capital for investment projects across the entire Panattoni Group in Europe. He has a nearly 30 years’ track record in the real estate business, contributing to its continuing growth. A man of great intelligence and seemingly boundless energy. There is no distance he will not go on a bicycle, and that is why it took him no time to make up his mind and join the Paris – MIPIM Vélothon for another year in a row to support this incredibly worthy cause. To support Artur’s fundraiser for Institut Curie, go to Fundraising Artur.

Kamil Kuleta – has been with us for 6 years. As Director Capital Markets Europe, he is responsible for managing investor relations in Europe. Prior to joining Panattoni, he was involved in finance. A man of great brilliance and intelligence, but most of all with a big heart and very strong lungs. The combination of Kamil’s passion for cycling and his good nature inevitably leads to something great and hence his repeat participation in the Paris – MIPIM tour. Our contestant will ride for the second year running to support the worthy cause of raising funds for Institut Curie. To support Kamil, go to Fundraising Kamil.

Marek Dobrzycki – is one of Panattoni’s pillars in Europe. In the nearly 13 years he has been with the company as Managing Director, he has done more than his bit to get our company to where it is today. As Managing Director, he is responsible for the development of warehousing and warehousing/manufacturing projects in Poland, especially in the core markets. Marek is a brilliant man, and at the same time modest, always with a smile, unable to sit still. They say his middle name is “active”, though others claim it is “energy”. He is a committed runner and sailor, who is not a stranger to cycling, either. To support our musketeer in his honourable endeavour, please go to Fundraising Marek.

Our champions are embarking on an important mission. Various types of cancers affect more than 150 million people worldwide, that is over 0.2 % of the global population (as of 2018), and every year approx. 18 million hear the crushing diagnosis. What is more, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warns that if current trends continue, over the next two decades we will observe an approx. 60% rise in cancer incidence, while in low- and middle-income countries the increase in new cancer cases is likely to exceed 80 per cent. Therefore, it is necessary to support organisations like Institut Curie, dedicated to cancer research and treatment.

Institut Curie, supported by Artur, Kamil and Marek, has been around for 100 years. It was established by the Polish two-time Nobel prize winner – Maria Skłodowska-Curie. Its most important objective is to fight against cancer in many different ways. The institute provides cancer diagnostics, follow-up and patient care, as well as furthering cancer research. The organisation is also committed to education and raising cancer awareness. Knowledge of cancer and treatment methods is promoted through teaching and museology activities. The cutting-edge research centre of Institut Curie currently employs 1100 scholars.