Panattoni employees sportingly raise EUR 64,600 in two weeks - The Robomania CSR initiative -

Panattoni’s employees have recently been working out and clocking up the miles in support of UNICEF. In spite of the pandemic restrictions and the switch to hybrid working, as many as 211 Panattoni employees in 8 countries spent two weeks taking part in the company’s ‘Robomania’ campaign, earning points to add to the Activy mobile app. They did this by jogging, working out at home or cycling, in the process accumulating a combined total of 143,777 points. Each point was converted into złoty and then doubled by the company, so that Panattoni finally donated PLN 286,354 (EUR 64,600) to UNICEF, which will go towards supporting children in Sudan, Yemen, Niger and Syria. The charity campaign was held to mark the birthday of the company’s CEO, Robert Dobrzycki, who joined it after a week.

The Panattoni team is ready, steady and raring to go! The coronavirus pandemic has severely limited our scope for sport and staying active, through the closure of gyms and swimming pools, while the switch to a remote working model hasn’t helped in this regard either. However, Panattoni’s employees have now shown that any time is the perfect time for a bit of exercise, especially when it’s for a good cause. The Robomania45 campaign engaged 211 of Panattoni’s employees in Poland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the UK. They took on the challenge and used the Activy app to record both exercise done at home and the miles covered doing outdoor exercise (bike rides, dog walks or jogging). Their exertions were then converted into points, which were totalled up to calculate the company’s final donation. The campaign took place in the two weeks from November 23rd until December 7th, during which time Panattoni’s employees across Europe engaged in 2,477 activities of this kind and covered 8,290 km. Those taking part were also keen to give support to one another – such as on the event’s Facebook group, where they shared photos of their efforts that displayed both their good humour and determination.

The two weeks of collective effort resulted in the amassing of as many as 143,777 points, and double that total in złoty (PLN 286,354) was donated to UNICEF. The organisation will allocate this towards aid for developing countries – Sudan, Yemen, Niger and Syria – by providing children there with medicine and medical equipment as well as hygiene products and clean water supplies.

Panattoni for UNICEF. Anita Pietrykowska, Panattoni’s marketing and communications director for Europe, comments: “The Robomania initiative was a surprise ‘present’ for our CEO, Robert Dobrzycki, who loves sport and being active whenever he can. By introducing a motivational game-style approach, we were able to engage our whole, wonderful Panattoni team to show the captain of our ship that he can count on us, while at the same time contributing to an important and noble social initiative. Robert himself joined the campaign in its second week, injecting it with his own positive energy and encouraging the other participants. It’s heart-warming that so many of us joined in with this initiative. We have shown that we are a single European Panattoni team, with huge hearts and even bigger lungs.” Those who took part in the campaign have since decided that they won’t be resting on their laurels and have accepted the sports app as an integral part of the company’s life, to further integrate the European team and motivate it to engage in yet more healthy activity and exercise.

Panattoni’s employees have already embraced active living. They regularly take part in beach volleyball tournaments and organised runs. Whenever they can, they endeavour to turn their physical activity into actual support for charitable foundations and associations. In March 2019, two of our employees set off on a 1,000 km bike ride from Paris to the most important real estate event in Europe – MIPIM. In doing so, they raised money for the Institut Curie, which for almost a century has been dedicated to research into and the treatment of neoplastic diseases. In addition to this, a larger 3-person team of Panattoni employees cycled 400 km in October 2019 to the Expo Real fair in Munich. In doing so they promoted both healthy lifestyles and environmentally-friendly modes of transport.

Panattoni is also providing some much needed support during the coronavirus pandemic. The developer has been taking part in the ‘property4heroes’ initiative, which began in April and is aimed at involving real estate companies in providing meals for doctors, nurses, paramedics and other medical workers. Recently, as part of the initiative, Panattoni provided the Medical University of Warsaw with a set of protective masks, two coffee machines, tinned food products and a specially designed lamp for sterilising rooms. In the first half of the year, Panattoni also donated medical equipment to hospitals in Szczecin, Białystok and Poznań worth PLN 500,000 in total, including surgical masks, nitrile gloves, non-contact thermometers and surgical caps.