
Meeting your match – investing in logistics

Meeting your match Developers need to offer a wide choice of strategic approaches to meet the requirements of the diverse capital sources now seeking a home in logistics real estate, argues Panattoni Europe CEO, Robert Dobrzycki. Stuart Watson reports


Panattoni errichtet multifunktionale Logistikanlage in Ladenburg

• Ehemaliges Produktionsgelände mit 120.000 m2 wird revitalisiert • Drei Bauabschnitte mit insgesamt 51.000 m2 in DGNB-Gold-Standard • Projektentwickler investiert mehr als 70 Mio. Euro, Baubeginn voraussichtlich im 2. oder 3. Quartal 2018


Panattoni Europe named as a finalist in MIPIM Awards 2018

Panattoni Europe, Poland’s leader in industrial real estate, is through to the final round of MIPIM Awards 2018 – the most prestigious real estate competition in the world! The developer won the nomination for its BTS Amazon in Kołbaskowo near Szczecin. It is up against projects from Luxembourg, China and France to win the title of the Best Industrial & Logistics Development. Keep your fingers crossed for us!


Panattoni Europe starts building in Białystok - new park to take up approx. 40,600 sqm

Panattoni Europe, industrial real estate leader in Europe, gets going on the construction of the first logistics centre in Białystok. The developer’s new project – Panattoni Park Białystok – featuring roughly 40,600 sqm, is being executed in full and already at this stage 50% of the space has been commercialised. Completion of construction works on the entire investment is planned for the end of Q3 2018.


Panattoni Europe reinforces its team - Karel Klečka as Director of Capital Markets

Panattoni Europe, leader in the logistics and industrial real estate market in Europe, develops its capital market structures. The team has been joined by Karel Klečka, who assumed the position of Director of Capital Markets Czech Republic and Slovakia. He will be responsible for ensuring the optimal cooperation between Panattoni and its capital partners and investors in logistics real estate in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Neska mietet im im Düsseldorfer Hafen

Neska Schifffahrts- und Speditionskontor GmbH, entwickelt kundenorientierte Lösungen für Stückgut- und Massengutumschlag sowie Transport- und Lageraufgaben, national und international. Im Dezember 2017 bezog Neska eine Logistikhalle mit 10.500 m2, 600 m² Büro- und 600 m² Mezzanine-Fläche im zweiten Bauabschnitt des von Panattoni entwickelten Logistikparks im Düsseldorfer Hafen. Das Stuffen/Strippen kann nun in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Containerterminal erfolgen. Und es bietet der neska die Möglichkeit zur Erweiterung ihrer Geschäftsfelder.


An entire e-commerce building for SMYK – approx. 70,000 sqm at Panattoni Central European Logistics Hub

Panattoni Europe, Poland’s leader in industrial real estate, is to build a distribution and online store service centre for SMYK. The facility, which will feature 70,000 sqm at full build-out, will be erected at the Panattoni Central European Hub in Łódź. The investment will be launched in early January and will proceed in a number of phases. The first 26,000 sqm is scheduled for commissioning in June 2018. The lease transaction was mediated by consulting JLL, consulting agency.


Panattoni Europe opens up emerging markets – 75,000 sqm in Zielona Góra

Panattoni Europe, Poland’s leader in industrial real estate, develops emerging locations. The developer is building Panattoni Park Zielona Góra – a modern multi-tenant distribution centre, planned for 75,000 sqm. At present, nearly 50,000 sqm, in three buildings, are under development. The space has been leased by both manufacturing companies and logistics businesses, who will be able to move into the park in early 2018.


Panattoni Europe to build a factory for Ontex – approx. 26,000 sqm in Radomsko

Panattoni Europe, Poland’s leader in industrial real estate, is to build a factory for Ontex, a Belgian producer of personal hygiene products. The facility featuring in excess of 26,000 sqm will be located in Radomsko, within the Łódź Special Economic Zone (ŁSSE). Construction works are about to begin in early December, and are scheduled to end in July 2018


Panattoni stellt 43.000 Quadratmeter in Elsdorf fertig

Grundsteinlegung im Mai – Einweihung im November: Innerhalb von wenigen Monaten stellte der Logistikimmobilien-Entwickler Panattoni zusammen mit der Noerpel-Gruppe ein neues Logistikzentrum im niedersächsischen Elsdorf fertig. Mit 43.0000 Quadratmetern Gesamtfläche entstand im LogIn Park Elsdorf, direkt an der A1 zwischen Hamburg und Bremen, der größte Einzelstandort des Logistikunternehmens Noerpel.
